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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Last Stage

I met with the surgeon last Wednesday. He saw that my knee is still not straight and he said it probably will be eventually and that he has had other patients who do fine without having it completely straight. I asked him for a prescription for massage, which he gave me, but said insurance may not cover it. True enough.  I asked about the next surgery and he said "any time". I said how about early October and he said he'd set it up. I should get calls from Nancy soon, with a date and instructions.

So this means I am on my own right now. No therapy, no future doc visits on this leg. I am continuing with work at the gym and at home, interrupted by trips (right now I am in Las Vegas). It's an odd feeling, free really, and I don't mind it.


"Guppy" Honaker said...

Oh Judith, I'm so sorry to read of your pains and problems with your arthritis. I hope the surgery (was it scheduled) that is tentative in Oct. is successful. I don't think any insurance anymore covers massage.

- David

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Jen said...

I am very interested to see how your new pain management regimen is going. I hope that you might be able to update us with entries so that we can see how life off the pain medication is going. Does this mean you are trying to no longer take the acetaminophen and codeine tablets unless conditions escalate?
I am also wondering what dietary changes you might have made recently?

I have seen several articles about research over RA that say Vitamin D supplements help. I would like to know if the massage and if any dietary changes get you some relief.