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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trying the new expanded routine

I have a sewing class every Tuesday and I didn't really feel like going to the gym before the class started but I went anyway. I know that if I can get new routines done soon after learning them that I will be relieved at knowing what is involved, at having done it.

So I did all of my usual, except for the calf and chest stretches, and then did the new ones, except for the lat pulldowns with the rubber bands, because that one calls for a door and I didn't want to interrupt people behind doors to do it. So I will do those things at home today.

The additions were less arduous than I had imagined. Only a few call for three sets of fifteen so most of them can be done quickly. I like this. I got done with my slightly abbreviated workout in a bit over 45 minutes. I also like that I can do the treadmill and the squat exercises as much or as little as my body wants. I look forward to seeing changes in those areas.

I am noticing less pain in my left arm. That is, it hurts less often.


Anne Burnell said...

Hello Judith,

Just found your blog. I applaud your efforts.

I will try to share your writings with others who are challenged with arthritis and encourage them to exercise as therapy.

My students certainly get relief from movement if there is no inflammation.

Keep up the great work.

Anne Burnell
Stronger Seniors

Judith Lautner said...

Hi Anne,

Thanks for your comments. Do send your students to my post on the Arthritis Foundation, a few posts back. They might win something from the contest!

I have inflammation in my knees all the time. A lot of pain a lot of the time. So I am happy to have someone who will work with me to find exercises I can do that don't cause pain and that benefit my joints.