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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Day Three

 I've made it to day three. I'm relying on rice cakes and tofu and garbanzo beans to survive. Mainly because these are foods I can eat without much prep or no prep. I get so impatient. I want to eat now.

I haven't eaten all foods cooked. Yesterday I had watermelon. Nobody cooks that. I think I understand the reason for cooking everything - eliminate any possible source of inflammation. 

Lately I have noticed that I can get dressed more easily. I think this is because the swelling has gone down quite a bit. It will be quite the day when I don't need that sock helper to put my left sock on.


I met my physical therapist outside as I was bringing a bag of trash to the dumpster. He followed me to see how I was walking, said I was walking very well. On the way back he said, "now try without the cane" and I did. "Just as good," he said. But I had some back pain. I mentioned it and he said the hip surgery may have caused it and it should go away. I hope so but am not too hopeful because this pain is something I have had for about three years, intermittently, and I have yet to find out what is really causing it. That is a story for another day, though.

Before seeing the PT I went to my post-op appointment with the surgeon. He said I'm "doing awesome". Two more weeks before I can submerse myself in water (but showers are still fine). He will get x-rays at the next appointment, in four weeks, to see how the joint is doing. 

After the PT had me trying walking without my cane I tried it during the day and now I am walking without it as much as with.  I am very happy with how quickly I am recuperating. 

BP: 160/84

Weight: 202.2

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