Some readers may notice that I have allowed comments from persons who appear to have an interest in selling products made from the acai berry, a fruit of the acai palm, which is grown in South America. The berry is an interesting fruit, containing an unusually high amount of fat (for a fruit) and a rather grainy texture that is, according to some reports, a bit off-putting for some.
The persons who have posted these comments promote the use of acai juices and powders in the treatment of arthritis pain. As best as I can make out from my research, you would not likely harm yourself by using this juice. And the juice may be of help to you. That's why I have allowed these near-spam comments.
For the record, though, I am not a proponent of "super foods" whether naturally available or chemically made. I am a proponent of a diet comprised of whole foods, plant-based, organically grown and preferably grown nearby. This way of eating has been shown to be the best for health for everyone, including arthritis sufferers and those with diabetes, for example.
A compelling argument in favor of this diet is to be found in The China Study by Colin Campbell. The link is to my review of this book and includes a link to my amazon bookstore, where you can purchase it. I make an offer here, though: I will send you this book, straight from my bookstore, for free if you promise you will read it through, all the way through, and let me know what you thought of it. I will offer it to the first person who responds with a name and address and I will trust you to do as you say.
The media likes to stir up interest by letting us think it is impossible for us mere mortals to know just what is healthy and what is not in our diets. It isn't all that complicated. The media has an interest in adding to the confusion with articles that serve more to confuse than to enlighten, as such articles lead readers to read more, to keep searching. The sellers of products like acai berry products and enhanced pomegranate juice benefit from the confusion as well. People naturally want to do what they can to stave off illness and enlarge their life spans, and articles about single foods providing benefits sucker in a lot of readers. It doesn't have to be that way. Stick with the whole foods, as cleanly grown as you can get them, and you won't regret it.